Set humidity controls in restaurant

Restaurant Humidity Control: How to Reach Appropriate Levels

Restaurant Humidity Control Ideal restaurant humidity levels vary depending on the room and even depending on the type of food your establishment serves. Humidity level considerations include customer and employee comfort, equipment performance, and the most efficient ways to reach appropriate humidity levels. Dining Room Humidity Levels Dining room humidity levels should be high enough to inhibit the transfer of airborne illnesses and low enough to facilitate customer comfort. Water vapor

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couple standing in restaurant doorway

5 Benefits of Cloud-Based Energy Management Systems for Restaurants

Stakeholders in the restaurant industry are turning to cloud-based energy management systems to reduce energy consumption, which lowers operational costs. Advancement in technology is helping those in the restaurant industry to apply innovative methods that optimize energy management and usage. You see, restaurants use a lot of energy for refrigeration, lighting, and cooling, which is...Continue reading

7 ways to save energy in restaurants

The Top 7 Ways to Save Energy in Restaurants

You want your restaurant to be eco-friendly–not to mention the savings that reducing energy use can bring to your energy bill each month.With over 20 years working in the restaurant industry and extensive experience in energy management, we’ve found that there are always simple measures restaurants can take to reduce energy costs.In fact, a simple look around your restaurant can yield several energy-saving strategies, lowering your energy usage and making it easier for you to reach your

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Energy saving trends

7 Energy-Saving Trends in The Restaurant Industry

Keeping up-to-date with the current trends in the restaurant industry is essential to stakeholders such as restaurant owners and chefs if they are to remain ahead of the competition.Although the restaurant industry is facing significant disruptions due to technological advancements, there is a growing need to save energy through smart energy-management systems that are cost-efficient.Here are several energy-saving trends for the restaurant industry..1. Smart Climate ControlThe restaurant

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energy-efficient restaurant

Energy Efficiency in Restaurants: Managing Equipment Startup and Shutdown Procedures

Since you’re reading this, you likely understand the importance of managing a restaurant’s energy use.With this in mind, have you considered how vital your startup and shutdown procedures are for saving on energy costs?GWT2Energy is here to help with these procedures. After all, energy efficiency in restaurants is our business.Idle Time is the EnemyMaintaining a startup and shutdown schedule will decrease your restaurant technologies’ idle time.As this Energy Star guide emphasizes, maximizing

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High-energy use restaurant

Power Saving Tips for High-Energy Use Restaurant Appliances

Any successful plan to keep restaurant energy costs down includes power saving tips and techniques for high-energy use appliances. GWT2Energy knows which restaurant equipment is likely to be your biggest energy hog and how to minimize the associated costs. After all, we pride ourselves on understanding day-to-day restaurant operations. So, here are a few tips to deal with high energy restaurant appliances.

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conserving water in a restaurant

5 Ways You Can Conserve Water in Your Restaurant in 2019

Fall is coming and with it, a number of great opportunities to increase your conservation efforts–including saving on your water usage. Do you want to conserve water in your restaurant this year? Try employing some of these key strategies: 1. Pre-soak pots and pans Pots and pans require a lot of water and a lot of scrubbing to get clean. By pre-soaking them, on the other hand, you can substantially reduce the amount of water

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composting in restaurants

Composting in Restaurants to Keep Food Out of Landfills

n According to an analysis from the Food Waste Reduction Alliance, only 17% of restaurants compost leftover food. Given that food waste is often the largest cost in a restaurant, there can be monetary. In fact, this video created by the National Restaurant Association reveals that more money is spent on food waste than any other waste!What is Composting?Composting food waste ensures that it biologically decomposes into a nutrient-rich material. This process transforms food waste into an organic

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cutting costs by cutting waste in a restaurant

4 Creative Ways to Cut Costs by Cutting Waste

n How to Cut Restaurant CostsFood waste is a major problem for most restaurants. Researchers discovered that many restaurants waste so much food that it hurts their bottom line, so reducing that waste can significantly improve profits.There are a lot of techniques that can save money by cutting waste this year.Track Purchases and WasteThe vast majority of waste is accidental. Very few restaurant workers realize the sheer amount of food they throw away. Awareness is the first step towards solving

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happy people in a restaurant

4 Trends Which Are Changing the Restaurant Industry in 2019

n The one thing that’s certain in the restaurant industry is change. The emergence of new technologies and consumers’ increasing demands for convenience and choice mean that restaurant owners need to know what new trends are shaping and changing the industry.As Upserve explains:”The trend-driven nature of restaurants means that restaurateurs are often forced to look up from their long to-do lists and keep a pulse on what’s happening in the industry.”What’s Hot for the Restaurant Industry in

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